
Christmas Blocks

We decided to spend time at the cabin making an assortment of Christmas blocks.


Happy Thanksgiving

This year we got to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with just our little family. It was fantastic! We opted to go down to the country club for our dinner, and the kids are already asking if we can do it again next year! The food was delicious, far exceeded our expectations. And, no mess to clean up! We then started lining up for black friday sales at 6pm. Brian went with me this year and we had a blast!


Happy Gotcha Day, Meilin!!

Today is Meilin's 2nd Gotcha Day Anniversary. Hard to believe she has only been with us for 2 years. What a fun loving girl she is! We love you Meilin! To remember her journey click on Journey to Meilin. We went out for Chinese food and celebrated but forgot the camera.


Happy Birthday Grandma & Meigan 11/11/11

We had our own special party for 11-11-11. Happy Birthday Barbara & Meigan!

Meigan's 4th Birthday Morning



Dalton Receives his Wolf Award

Dalton receive his Cub Scout Wolf award along with 1 gold and 6 silver arrows. How did he get that many arrows??? When you don't know what you are doing and simply do everything in the book, that happens.